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[TUT] How to make a Facebook banner
[Photoshop] [TUT] How to make a Facebook banner

Over the past few weeks, even months because I was incredibly slow creating this tutorial in the hope that someone would beat me to it.. Facebook "banners" have become popular since the new Facebook profiles were released.

A Facebook banner is basically 5 images that are displayed at the top of your profile, those images are the latest images that you're tagged in.

Simple enough, let's get into making one in Photoshop.


1) In Photoshop, create a new file with the sizes Width: 485 and Height 68
2) Over the canvas, create your design.
3) Now we have to split the canvas in to 5 even sections, to do this go to View > New guide and divide the image every 97 pixels, so for your first one is 97px, second is 194px, third is 291px and the fourth and final being 388px. You should now have 4 vertical blue lines.

4) Create 5 new images, (File > New), and size them all Width: 97 and Height: 68. You should now have 5 squares.
5) Go back to your large canvas, (the one with the guide one), and merge all of the layers together.
6) Still on the large canvas, select the rectangular marquee tool and copy and paste each section to the new square that you created. So you'll end up with the large canvas split between the 5 squares you created.
7) Save all of the 5 images as separate files, I always use .png, so I ended up with fb-1.png, fb-2.png, fb-3.png, fb-4.png and fb-5.png
8) You're finished in Photoshop, now go over to Facebook and upload the 5 photos.
9) The way Facebook works, your latest tag will be shown in the square furthest to the left so what you'll want to do is start tagging essentially backwards, (your last image first).

That should be it! Go check out your new banner.

Here's mine..

[Image: fb-1.png] [Image: fb-2.png] [Image: fb-3.png] [Image: fb-4.png] [Image: fb-5.png]

No, you can't see it on Facebook. No one off mcompute is on my Facebook. :grrr

Messages In This Thread
[TUT] How to make a Facebook banner - by Mark - 11-03-2011, 03:43 AM

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