Full Version: Submits your website/blog to 2500+ different places."free"
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Submits your website/blog to 2500+ different places. All these 2500+ websites are manly "who is", "about us", "website statistic", etc. type of services.

This script creates pages about your website/blog on everyone of these websites, resulting in about 2500+ different pages with backlinks pointing back to your website. Yes some of them are no-follow and some of them are do-follow, but bottom line is that these are well established websites regularly crawled by Google and other SE, so your pages and backlinks on those websites will be found and your website/blog will get backlinks and will be visited and indexed more frequently by Googlebot and many other search engine bots like Yahoo, Bing, Baidu, etc. enjoy

Click here to submit your blog/webiste
These sort of sites are interesting, and some can have negative effects I do wonder if spambots crawl these and then turn up at your door.
Thanks this will help out alot if i ever need it!
*sticks in*